A professional signature is more than a way to close an email — it’s a marketing tool that can help you increase email engagement and drive sales. So whether you’re thinking of using a minimalist design or an eye-catching graphic that oozes creativity, it’s important to utilize a professional email signature that reflects your brand and unique personality. If you need a lil’ inspiration to help you create a killer email signature, we’ve listed 9 examples of different signatures below.
What Is a Personal Email Signature and Why Use One?
First things first: What exactly is a personal email signature? It’s a brief block of text and imagery at the end of an email. A simple email signature may include essential contact information, such as your mobile number, LinkedIn profile and email address. However, you can go a step further and add photographs, a company logo, videos, and links to social media accounts or online publications in the signature to help you stand out and make a memorable impression on an email recipient.
There are a few reasons why using a personal email signature is a good idea. First and foremost, it makes getting in contact with you much easier. Whether via email, phone or social media, having all of your contact information in one spot makes it easy for someone to get in touch quickly. As a bonus, having links to social platforms and online publications — such as an online article or eBook — in your signature can help you spread awareness of those projects.
When it comes to email communication, a custom signature also helps you stand out against the crowd. In today’s fast-paced society, there are a lot of emails being exchanged. But when you sign off professional emails with an authentic and unique signature, you can stand out from others and prevent your email from getting lost in a bottomless inbox.
How Does a Personal Email Signature Fit Into Your Email Strategy?
When crafting effective professional emails, a personalized signature is essential.
An email signature is a chance to reinforce brand standards — such as stylistic elements like fonts and associated graphics — that can help boost brand awareness and support branding efforts in every interaction. Plus, if the signature includes essential contact information, it can provide recipients with everything they need to streamline communication — helping you land a new client faster and with fewer resources.
By including your credentials, affiliations and other professional achievements in a signature, you can build credibility and trustworthiness among potential clients or business partners. You can also leverage a professional email signature to highlight something compelling about yourself or your business. Do you have 100+ reviews on Google? If so, consider adding a link to your email signature so recipients can see what others have to say about your business.
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What Are Some Examples of Custom Email Signatures?
If you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve listed a few of the best email signature examples below:
1. Personal Email Signature With Embedded Video
What better way to leave a lasting impression than with a video in your email signature? Whether it’s a reel showcasing your work, a customer testimonial video, a product demonstration, or a video featuring you as a guest speaker, embedding videos into an email signature helps you showcase your expertise and leave a memorable impression on recipients. A video can add a personal touch to your email signature, boost engagement and showcase your skills — making it a valuable tool for building professional relationships. Plus, let’s not forget that videos can improve email engagement and increase open rates by as much as 6%.
2. Email Signature With Branded Colors
Another way to leave a memorable impression on email recipients is to incorporate colors into your signature. Can you get creative and pick any color scheme? Sure, but it’s recommended to use colors that match your brand. Adding branded colors to an email signature is a simple yet effective way to strengthen brand identity. Consistent use of colors helps establish a cohesive visual identity and brand experience, making your emails instantly recognizable to recipients across various touchpoints.
3. Email Signature With an Emphasis on Instagram
Do you have a strong social media presence? If so, use that to your advantage and include it in your email signature. For example, if Instagram is your go-to social platform, try embedding recent posts into your email signature or including a strong CTA that motivates recipients to check out your page.
4. Email Signature With an Online Store Link
If you’re a business owner, independent seller or artist with an online shop, you can use your personal email signature to increase web traffic to your storefront. Want to go a step further? Try embedding products in the signature. This type of email signature can help you spread the word on top-selling or new products without being overly pushy. Who knows, one of your featured products might be exactly what the recipient is looking for, and including it in your email signature can help you land a quick sale.
5. Email Signature With Scheduling Assistant
By giving the option to book time with you, recipients can immediately see when you’re available and schedule a time slot that works best for them. Including a quick and easy way to schedule time with you in an email signature can eliminate future back-and-forth scheduling conversations, making it much easier for you to meet with new leads and prospective clients.
6. Email Signature With Sales Promotion
Looking for a way to advertise a promotion without paying for a massive billboard? Placing sale announcements in your email signature can do the trick. That way, every person you email will know about the sale — and some may be intrigued enough to make a purchase.
7. Email Signature With Request for Feedback
Another great way to personalize your email efforts is to include a request for feedback in your signature. For example, you can add feedback icons to your signature and invite recipients to rate their experience with you. This is a great way to boost email engagement, give recipients a chance to make their voices heard and gather important feedback on how you’re doing — feedback that can be used to improve your email marketing strategy.
8. Email Signature With Unique Social Media Links
When creating a personal email signature, there’s no one-size-fits-all, which means you can get creative and have a little fun. For some, such as the example below, that might mean creating custom social media icons. Doing so can help you stand out from other emails and increase the amount of traffic to your social media sites.
9. Email Signature With a Strong CTA
Do you have a product that’s worth highlighting or a book you’re trying to spread the word about? If so, try including a link in your personal email signature. You can create a personalized banner showcasing the product and add it to the footer of your signature. Having a strong CTA in your signature can help you boost awareness and drive sales for whatever you’re promoting.
How Do You Generate a Professional Email Signature?
Once you know what type of email signature you want, it’s time to generate it. Most email service providers let you do this manually. However, why do something the hard way when there are easier options to take advantage of? Automated tools — many of which are free — can create an effective email signature for you. So, rather than manually designing the graphic and text elements in your email signature, consider using an automated tool like HubSpot’s free email signature generator.
What’s the biggest benefit of using an automated email signature tool? It ensures proper formatting across various devices and platforms. Proper formatting is crucial — a poorly formatted signature looks unprofessional and can make your target audience less inclined to do business with you. Plus, if you have multiple team members whose signatures all must match, using a tool such as this ensures consistency.
Ready To Get Started With a Custom Email Signature?
Personalized signatures are email marketing tools and should be leveraged as such. While it’s important to embrace personalization and creativity when developing a personal email signature, professionalism is paramount. You know your audience, and you know what can help make a sale or what could result in someone sending your email to their trash folder.
A unique email signature design can help you stand out in a crowded inbox, and you can create the perfect one using a free email signature generator. Don’t forget that there are plenty of professional email signature examples to help you create a signature that fits your personal brand.